You have your best WordPress plugins, I also have mine. I have this list 2 months back but unfortunately I accidentally deleted it (accidents happen all the time ) So that gave me an idea to post a new list
A better list
Here’s my list of Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins:
Contact Form with Spam Protection
Afraid of spam? Don’t want to give away your e-mail? Tired of making images with your e-mail on it? No worries, Contact form is here! WP contact form lets your readers e-mail you faster, easier and risk FREE! I can’t imagine a blog without this plug-in. It would be a nightmare.
Related Posts
If you’re lacking pageviews recently, this plugin is for you! With related posts plugin, you can add related posts in each of your posts in just 1 tweak. This helps you generate extra pageviews and to keep new visitors or old to discover posts on your blog. Chances are, you’ll get more loyal readers
Google Sitemap Generator
A plugin that helps you generate a XML sitemap. And if you’re wondering what sitemaps are, a sitemap helps search engines index your site faster. Though compared to other sitemap generators, this plugin automagically adds your new posts and updates in to the sitemap. Cool isn’t it?!
FeedSmith – Feed redirect
When I first started my blog, I got about 5 feed readers (LOL) that time, though I really don’t want to lose them so I searched for a plug-in that will help me redirect my current feed to Feedburner. Thanks to FeedSmith (Which was Feedburner feed placement then) this plugin is just plainly sleek, it even got adopted by Feedburner!
Permalink Redirect
Just admit it, we all make the wrong decisions when it comes to permalinks. And we want to change that! Good thing there’s a plugin to the help Permalink Redirect helps you redirect your old permalink to your new one in just one click! Special thanks to fucoder for making such a useful plugin!
Subscribe to Comments
When I comment on blogs, most of the time, I forget what post I commented on or what blog is it (Who won’t, when you comment on tons of blogs everyday?!) Thanks to those blogs who are using this plugin, I can now easily track what blogs I have commented on because this plugin sends you a mail when someone replies to your comment.
Popularity contest – Post Popularity
If you’re a show-off kind of person, maybe you’ll like this! Popularity contest (By the Plugin Kind, Alex ) lists the “most??? popular post you got through a formula. It’s a really nice plugin when it comes to showing off!
MyAvatars 0.2
Who doesn’t love avatars?
MyAvatars 2.0 is a plugin that shows people’s MyBlogLog avatar into each of their comment, throw your Gravatars plugin. MBL is more popular now (no offense meant )
Database Backup
What if your hosting provider emails you and says “Sorry sir, all your files were corrupted by some stupid crew who accidentally (I hope ) poured coffee in our database and according to our TOS we won’t care if something happens, so good luck
???. Ok, what will you do? Maybe just CRY
But don’t worry, here comes WP Database Backup. With a press of a button, you can download all your files in your PC. (Just don’t pour your coffee in it )
Akismet – Spam Guard
What can I say? With all of the above plugins, Akismet is still my choice, even though it blocks some real comments. Nothing’s perfect right?
Your blog is not WordPress without Akismet Just imagine, dirty comments awaiting for your moderation
So much for the “Top 10 Best WordPress plugins”! Hope you love my list. If you want to add or replace something, don’t forget to comment! I will gladly change it if its worthy to be in this golden list