Home | Blogging | Starting a Blog: The Ultimate 15-Step Checklist

Starting a Blog: The Ultimate 15-Step Checklist

First time to start a blog? Or just starting a new one? You might want should look at this checklist on how to start a blog and live a majestic life out of it. You don’t want to do my mistakes again, right?

1. Determine what you will be blogging about

Just imagine a racecar driver without a map. Of course, he’ll be lost right? It’s the same as in blogging. You don’t know what you’re blogging about, you don’t know your niche. Your blog will quickly die. So, start off by picking a niche but be sure it’s a broad one that you can blog about for years.

2. Think of a catchy, entertaining and easy to remember title

Now, invent something that makes someone curious when they see it. Make it catchy, that will make them laugh. Invent a cool brand that’ll make them blog about you.

Take this blog’s brand for example. When you see a link that says “Make Money Online” Will you click it? More likely, you’ll not because there are tons of sites that talk about make money online but if I add little twist like “Make Money Online with a 13-year old” Will you click it? 😉

3. Buy a domain name that is related to your title

AND is easy to remember! Domain names matter nowadays because there are tons of sites swarming the web. How could a person remember your domain that says makemoneyonlinewithsomethingsomething.com? So always keep it short, the shorter the better. Try hunting domains with 2-3 words. You can buy a domain at Godaddy.

4. Choose a blogging platform

Try considering your needs and budget. For example you just need a simple blog and you don’t have a budget for a cheap $20 web host try blogger or blogspot.com 😛 It’s easier to run and can be indexed by search engines much easier but if you’re the kind of guy who needs a lot of plugins and themes.

I recommend WordPress, hands down. If you’ve chosen a free hosted blogging platform, ignore step 5.

5. Find a reliable web host

Who likes to visit a site that always gives you a “sorry, can’t connect messages” Its ok at first but when it hits a reader 2 or more times it gets irritating.

You might as well find a reliable web host. Ask forums for their suggestions. Review the web host first and remember that 99.9% uptime and 99.5% uptime is a big difference!

6. Find a flexible theme and EDIT it

Your blog’s design is part of your blog’s brand. If you know a little bit of CSS and some html, try editing some cool themes or if you’re not just in to designing. You could hire someone at elance.com. Just remember to be unique.

7. Sign-up for a Web Analytics

How can you tell if you’re doing the right thing, if your marketing tactics is effective if you don’t have stats? Web analytics is very important especially on a blog. Web analytics can tell you what’s hot on your blog, what’s lame, what most people like and what’s the most useful post you got.

Another thing that’s very important about web analytics is that you can track where your visitors came. Is it Referral? – Visitors referred by other sites. Direct? Visitors who visited your website by typing your blog’s URL in their browser and last but most importantly, Search Engine? Visitors who found your blog through organic search. More explanations about Web Analytics >>>

8. Make a cool first post about what your blog is

Delete the old “Hello World!”. Make a cool first post about you and your blog. Nobody wants to see a lame first post and a test comment by old Mr. WordPress!

9. Think about what you’ve done

Geesh! Steps 1-9 is hard work, it’s time to recap all the things that you’ve accomplished and review it all again if you missed or forgot something behind. Ask yourself these questions first:

  • Do I have a niche that I can blog about for years?
  • Do I have the right website title?
  • Is my domain easy to remember?
  • Do I really like this blogging platform?
  • Is my *hosting* reliable?
  • Do I have a unique theme?
  • Did I sign up for a web analytics?
  • Did I make a cool first post?
  • Are my answers to the above questions are yes?

If not, go back to number 1.

10. Start posting REAL content – The REAL Challenge

Right, it’s now time to research and blog about your niche. Keep your promises, research and be sure about your facts and give them the REAL content. Remember that it’s not that easy to blog like what most bloggers think. It can burn you out so be prepared!

Also, a blog is for you to share your thoughts on a specific topic. Your not CNN, don’t write like you’re writing a book for schools. Pull off some jokes, catchy tag lines or some cool sayings maybe.

11. Socialize with other bloggers

Now you got the content, it’s time to show them to other people. Start off by socializing with bloggers like you. Make friends with them but don’t give too much trust. The internet is a scam world. Don’t give personal data, passwords, or even your analytics report, but I do have one thing to suggest “Be your self”

12. Build readership

Cool! You drove hundreds of visitors to your blog in just a week! Are they coming back? Or they’re just passing by and leaving like they haven’t seen you’re blog? Regular readers are your goldmine. They’re easier to but from you and they”ll even help you when you’re down or losing! Be sure to give them special treatment. Like a linklove post for your regular readers.

Helpful Article: Don’t let them get away! Convert them into regular readers with these 5 tips!

13. Monetize!

Now, here’s your reward. It’s time to monetize! You should have the right niche, blog title, domain, blogging platform, hosting, theme and analytics program for now. You should have made your cool first post for now and posted some useful articles. You should have received a pretty decent amount of traffic and most of all you have built a couple of loyal readers.

Time to make money and live a majestic life out of your blog, but how? There are tons of ad programs out there, but we’ll go to the most trusted and scam free sites first. Check out my list:

  • Google AdSense – Contextual advertising
  • ReviewMe – Get paid reviewing websites. Sign up for ReviewMe
  • Kontera – In text advertising! Sign up for Kontera
  • Affiliates – I must say, this program made me the most money! You can find affiliate programs through Clickbank, CJ, Paydotcom, etc.

14. Blog and blog again until your blog dies

Things go up must come down! So don’t be surprised if your blog suddenly dies and gets too old. Well, at least you milked it very well through all the year.

15. When your blog dies, read carlocab.com

Don’t want to lose all your hardwork? Then read carlocab.com, You can’t be wrong on this!

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9th Floor, Filinvest One Building, Northgate Cyberzone, Filinvest, Alabang, Muntinlupa, 1781, Metro Manila, Philippines

Campaigns are fully customized and 100% transparent ensuring you’ll achieve your business goals.

Instead of simply getting website visitors, it concentrates more on delivering quality leads and sales.

High-Quality SEO companies only do white-hat SEO. These are strategies that are in line with the terms and conditions of the search engines. That means there’s no chance of being penalized through it. While White-Hat SEO requires more time and effort because it requires manual and quality work, it always pays off in the long run.

Offers “affordable” packages of P10,000, P20,000, etc. Ask yourself, is it really affordable if you don’t get results?

Uses vague and technical-sounding terms to sound good. Words like “Robots.txt generation” and “Google Analytics integration.” However, in reality, a good SEO specialist can do this in just under 5 minutes.

Guarantees #1 ranking on Google. Sketchy SEO companies that say that they have a “special relationship” with Google and offers priority submission and the like. Read more about it here.

Offers a one-size-fits all SEO campaigns without considering your business’ objectives.

Since they won’t be able to reach their over promises, some may resort to giving you fake results by directing bots to your site so that it appears that you’re getting more visitors. Remember, always look for results–may it be leads, results, and/or rankings.




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9th Floor, Filinvest One Building, Northgate Cyberzone, Filinvest, Alabang, Muntinlupa, 1781, Metro Manila, Philippines