Most search engines value .gov and .edu backlinks. These links are so called “authority links” to search engines. That’s the reason why most SEO’s hunt for these kind of backlinks.
Even thought it’s quite hard to get these backlinks. Here are some tips for you to start with:
First, go to Google and try to do the following search:
For .edu domains
“Your desired keyword” “powered by wordpress”
This search will help you find blogs that uses WordPress with a .edu domain.
“Your desired keyword “ “powered by vBulletin”
This search will help you find forums that use vBulletin. Alternatively, you can replace the word “vBulletin” with your desired forum management program (Like Xoops, Phpbb, etc.)
For .gov domains
“Your desired keyword” “powered by wordpress”
This search will help you find blogs that uses WordPress with a .edu domain.
“Your desired keyword “ “powered by vBulletin”
This search will help you find forums that use vBulletin. Alternatively, you can replace the word “vBulletin” with your desired forum management program (Like Xoops, Phpbb, etc.)
That’s about it. Just play with the search terms. Hehehehe, use your creativity to find some “authority” links. You’re missing something good if you wouldn’t try this and you’ll realize that it’s all worth it.
Honestly, just about a minute ago, I found a .edu forum that allows anyone to register. Of course, I quickly registered and contributed some things. It’s just a matter of luck and some good Googling