by codm | Jun 25, 2008 | Marketing
What a looong anticipation for you guys aye? A month already passed since I threw the chocolates, cakes, information products birthday giveaway contest – and today, I’ve picked the winners via electronic raffle. It’s quite late yes because school has...
by codm | May 19, 2008 | Copywriting, Marketing
At-ten-tio-ni-tis is a spreading disease on the internet that impairs a person’s ability to focus on a single webpage. This can be acquired by only a few hours of surfing or a few minutes hanging out on video sites like Youtube. Answer the three questions below...
by codm | Dec 30, 2007 | Marketing
This Sunday morning, Slashpix IMed me on gtalk about a shocking thing that happened to my blog. He asked “What’s up with your site?”, with enough curiosity I checked out my blog and wow – this just scared the heck out of me: Parking Page of...
by codm | Nov 17, 2007 | Marketing
Actually, it was last week that the 4 books up there, which are my first books, were delivered by That one book called “Influence” by Robert Cialdini came from a local bookstore here. Here are the books (left to right). I’d really...
by codm | Nov 15, 2007 | Marketing
The internet holds limitless amount of information that grows rapidly everyday. What will make you stand out from the crowd? Content – NO, well that’s what most people think. It’s like this, if no one sees you, you won’t make anything. Even if...
by codm | Oct 29, 2007 | Blogging, Marketing
Getting a reply from an A-lister is certainly not most of us can get, although we can’t sue them for that because, even I at this stage gets around 15 emails a day so how much more for them? But of course, there’s always a solution for every problem.Adnan of...